"Force Powers"

DCS - Force Powers

Heal  (Level 1)

Can heal yourself or another Person.

Meditate  (Level 1)

Meditate to increase your Forcepoints.

Force Push  (Level 5)

Pushes an enemy and causes damage.

Force Pull  (Level 5)
Pulls an enemy to you.

Force Valor  (Level 5)

Increases the players stats, during a battle.

Force Stun  (Level 5)

The enemy can't move for 10 seconds.

Force Regenerate  (Level 5)

Regenerates the damage taken by "Force drain" or something similar.

Force Whirlwind  (Level 10)
Creates a spinning wind around the enemy. It effectively kept the enemy from moving and causes damage. (Only Jedi)

Force Shield (Level 1)

A temporary protection, against any kind of Force power. (Only Jedi)


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